Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Finding Time For Fitness... My Top 10 Tips

I am constantly seeing a lot of gals posting in groups about how to find time to workout with little ones. Let me tell you, it's definitely quite a challenge. BUT it is definitely do-able. This is my list of top 10 tips to help keep you in the exercise groove.

1. COMMUNICATE YOUR GOALS: I think this the most important step/tip. Make sure that your S.O. knows your goals and plans for exercise. This will not only be another person to help hold you accountable, but it will also be another person to help you achieve your goal. Talk about ways that you need help so you can meet your goal. My husband is able to work out at work during his work day. He also has a goal of attending a weekly morning circuit class. I know that he needs to get up and going on that day, so I do what I can to make sure that happens. It's vice versa for my exercise goals as well.

2. TIME AUDIT YOURSELF: I used to find myself checking my phone for any updates, and then slowly getting on various social media sites and "browsing." Soon I would realize I had spent 30 minutes doing NOTHING. What a waste. Check out how your day is spread out. What do you do in your free time? How much time do you spend watching TV, on social media, or doing other empty things? If you can spend 30 minutes on social media, then you definitely can fit in a workout! See where your time is spent!

3. MAKE A PLAN: The hardest part about sticking with an exercise routine or fitness plan can be simply figuring out what to do and when. Figure out what you want to do and how often. The next best thing you can do is create a tentative, and reasonable, schedule. Set a workout plan for 4 weeks. See if you can stick to it. It doesn't have to be every day. Start small, 2-3 days per week, and go from there. After the 4 weeks are up, re-evaluate if the duration, frequency and effort required was too much, too little or just right. Think ATTAINABLE goals.

4. WAKE UP AND GET DRESSED: As silly as it sounds, getting up and getting dressed to workout will help motivate you to be active during the day. They say "dress for success" and I think it totally applies to fitness/exercise. When you get up and get going you are motivated, but when you are actually dressed and ready to go, then there is one less excuse for why you can't do it! Also, when you are already dressed to workout, it's easier to be able to get those random 10 minutes of exercise in because you don't have to go change.

5. LIMIT SCREEN TIME: The only time I spend watching TV is while I am pumping during the day. I use that as my reprieve. Other than that, the TV is off during the day. Because it's off, I find myself doing more stuff around the house, which is much healthier than just sitting around all day. Yes, TV can be a rewarding way to relax. BUT, the way you feel after you workout is WAY better than any deep couch sitting. If you really need to have TV time, give yourself a limit. Heck, maybe even use the TV as a reward for AFTER you exercise! On top of all of it, if you limit TV time for you, then you are also teaching your child(ren) good habits for the future.

6. WORKOUT WITH YOUR KIDS: Whether your child(ren) is/are a few months old or a few years old, it can be really hard to find that alone time to workout. Sometimes it's impossible. If you are having a hard time finding the time to workout alone because of your kids, try including them in your workout. Having them see mommy workout is the best thing for them. It helps teach them that being healthy is important, which hopefully will inspire them to want to be healthy. If your baby is super little, try using your baby as weight for your workouts. You can do various exercises such as squats and lunges while holding your baby. Baby wearing is great for getting a walk or mild cardio (i.e the elliptical). If your kids are older, try having them do a body weight circuit with you. Things like jumping jacks, high knees, pushups, planks, etc. You can even make it a competition between mommy and child! During the summer, the play gym is a great place to get your fitness on! For more ideas on fitness with kids try googling "mommy and me workouts" "jungle gym workout" or "body weight circuit"

7. LEARN TO SAY NO: Sometimes as a mom, you find yourself being pulled in EVERY direction. Play date here, laundry there, visitors tomorrow, cleaning this, etc. The hardest thing is being able to say "no." We apparently have to be super mom and do it ALL. Get that mentality out of your head! It's okay to say no. Make what is important to you a priority. After all, it is YOUR life and YOUR body. When you are 50 years old, will you look back and regret the one extra play date your child didn't get per week because you wanted to have some time to exercise? Or would you regret not ever taking time out to exercise because you were constantly putting everyone else first? Also, block time for your workouts. If you know you want to workout 3 days per week, try to set 3 specific times for workouts only. If anything else comes up, then say "no" because that's your blocked workout time! Most people understand that we moms have busy lives. People understand when we have to prioritize. Learn to tell people "no" on occasion so you can keep yourself healthy! The world won't end because you put yourself first!

8. SOME IS BETTER THAN NONE: Sometimes our days are hectic. Okay lets be honest. We are moms. They are ALWAYS hectic. Finding time can be difficult. If you wake up and take a look at your schedule and realize that the 30 minutes you intended to use to work out isn't going to happen, don't just give up! Just because you can't fit the 30 minutes of working out in, doesn't mean that 10 minutes wouldn't do SOME good. Yes 30 minutes may be more optimal, but if all you have is 10 minutes, then that's all you have. It's better to get some then none! So don't just give up when you realize it may not be a full workout. Take a 10 minute walk instead of a 30 minute workout. Even if you have to break up your workout and do 10 minutes at three different times, some is still better than none!

9. BE FORGIVING: Remember that you are human and there is no such thing as a "supermom." We are all just doing the best we can at any given time. There are just some days when life happens and fitness has to take the back seat. That's okay! Some days you just need a lazy day! That's okay too (as long as you don't make the lazy days ALL the time :) ). Give yourself a break. Don't be too hard on yourself. It's okay. If you miss a day, forgive yourself, let it go, and focus on your next day! 

10. LOVE YOURSELF: Try not to be super critical of yourself. The best advice I ever received was to be able to love others, you have to love yourself. It's so true. Don't be down on yourself because of what you look like, what you once were and no longer are, etc. You are a mom! You are a rockstar! You are AMAZING! Love who you are!

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